Children Changing the World
Children Changing the World
Oxford University researchers predict that in the next 20 years 47 percent of at USA jobs will be automated. If this report holds true around, then we have the potential of separating classes. Those that are highly trained and employed those that are lacking training and are unemployed.
In the USA most all students have access to formal and informal training and can prepare for the future of automation. What about developing countries who lack basic educational needs and resources?
The summer of 2017 ,our founder Mr. Copes, was given a tour of Belfate, Honduras, by their Mayor Danniel Gaverette. Mr. Copes was impressed that this mayor kept the local school open seven days a week. During the weekday the local towns people (students) attend the school where on the weekends he sends trucks into the mountains to pick up students who have no or little access to education so they can attend school. The school taught basic subject material but lacked skilled trades training.
This was an eye opening moment for what opportunities these students have to live and thrive in the year 2030 and beyond. Armed with this information SKY committed to make a difference in the training needs of the kids in this community. SKY launched a project that would convert and recycle shipping containers into skilled trades laboratories. Recruiting three Alabama schools, SKY committed to supply the community of Belfate, Honduras with four container classrooms. These classrooms consist of:
Welding Laboratory Built by the SKY organization
Woodworking/Construction Laboratory Built by Eufaula City Schools
Small Engine/Auto Mechanics Built by the Bibb County Career Academy
Computer Laboratory Built by Satsuma High School
These containers made for an instant setup up and secure buildings/classroom. Essentially these labs were placed side by side, and once the double doors are open on each of the containers we have built the Belfate community an instant Skilled Trades School. This school coupled with SKY’s Sister School project, can provide this community with the skilled training that they will need to thrive in a world of automation.
The United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has issued statistics revealing that 69 million new teachers are needed to provide quality universal primary and secondary education by 2030, the deadline of the UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDG’s)
The Sister School Project provides good teachers to students around the world thus helping meet the Sustainability Development Goal set by the United Nations. Sister School connections and networks will support, strengthen and supplement classrooms around the world
COVID 19 has affected schools and students around the world driving the infusion of online virtual learning. In the United States we are blessed to be able to offer our students one to one devices so education can continue. Many countries' one to one devices are not available, but if they were, people may not have access to the internet or perhaps not have access to basic electricity. COVID has halted and set back education for years. The students at Chickasaw High School are not only taking ownership in their education but have decided to help a school in Latin America that does not have or has limited access to electricity.
Chickasaw High Schools’ students are converting a shipping container into a Solar Powered Computer Lab. During this process, students in the building trade class will be learning valuable construction skills as they work toward their NCCER credential. While the students learn valuable hands-on skills they fabricate this life changing educational facility that will foster education to disadvantaged students in Latin America. Imagine students entering an air-conditioned classroom for the first time in their lives. The excitement and joy on the students face as they access the wonders of the World Wide Web.
During the 2024/2025 school year the SKY will take students from the USA to Los Tablones, Honduras to deliver and assist in the setup of the solar powered computer lab. After the setup is complete, students will instruct the Honduran teachers and students on how to access the internet and virtual learning opportunities.
The container classroom lesson is valuable as it not only prepares our students to enter a high demand workforce, but it teaches them the value of using their skills and abilities to help others. The students will become life changing global citizens as they learn and explore a world beyond their city limits. The following year our schools will be able to conduct virtual exchanges as teachers from Honduras and Chickasaw collaborate fostering their own Professional Development as they teach students foreign language through native speakers.